Am I at WAR?!
I’ve been told that there is a War Against Women. Seriously. Beyonce and Lena Dunham told me
so. When I watch Good Morning America, The View or any mainstream media venue I
am informed that there is a battle raging to rid me of my reproductive rights
and screw me out of fair pay. And by the
way I’d better be ‘Ready For Hillary’, cause if I’m not – I clearly hate
The perpetrators of this War Against Women? Well the list is long
… Society, Men, Conservatives, Christians, Republicans, The Patriarchy, Stay at
Home Moms, Sarah Palin and anyone who doesn’t want to pay for my condoms.
They tell me that if this War Against Women is lost then I will go
back to being barefoot and pregnant, subjugated and unable to ‘get mine in a
Man’s World’. They tell me to be outraged by studies that ‘prove’ men still
make more than women for the same job. (Which they don’t)
They tell me to divide women into categories like ‘Working Women”
and ‘Stay At Home Moms’ and then tell me to judge the ‘Stay At Homes’ as never
working a day in their lives. They tell
me that Real Feminists must be pro choice.
Real Feminists must be Democrats.
Real Feminists must support gay marriage. Real Feminists must support Big Daddy
Government. Real Feminists must vote for Hillary Clinton.
I’m sick of being told that I hate women because I don’t fall in
lockstep with the political platform of the Democrat Party. I’m not ready for Hillary. Not because she is a woman but because I
disagree with her world view. I don’t
believe in top down, autocratic government control of any aspect of my life. I like small government, and local control
and LOTS of personal liberty.
So I reject the tired old notion that Democrats are the only party
that represents women. Because it is
simply not true. I have plenty of
criticism for Republicans but the truth is that Democrats are not talking about
the issues that I care about. All they
want to talk about is birth control. And
they just assume that women will always vote for them.
The political class in Washington, DC is not addressing the
concerns of women today. Women are
worried about a lot more than their ‘reproductive health’ and it is demeaning
and dismissive to assume that we only vote with our ovaries. So what are women really worried about
Energy prices skyrocketing in the past 4 years.
Grocery prices continually rising with no end in sight.
Insurance rates doubling and the loss of their doctor (who they
thought they could keep)
Local schools being hijacked by the federal government and massive
They are worried that the dollar just doesn’t seem to go as far as
it used to.
They are worried that their kids won’t be able to afford the 300%
hike in college tuition.
They are worried that college won’t even prepare their kids for
the real world.
They are worried that they can’t trust the media, or the
government, or big businesses.
They are worried that they can’t trust “experts” or “studies”
anymore because there are so many of them and they always seem to be wrong,
They are worried that their hard earned tax dollars are being
wasted on welfare. Corporate AND
They worry that huge corporations and big government politicians
seem to be in bed together.
That power is being centralized quickly and without their consent.
That Democrats and Republicans seem to be the same.
That government seems to be the only thing in America that is
That government is too big, out of control and unresponsive to the
American People.
They are worried that their children will never experience the
liberty and prosperity that past generations have and that the American Dream
will not be a reality for their children and grandchildren. There is a ‘War on Liberty’ and it is much
bigger and more dangerous than any ‘War on Women’.
I suspect that the ‘War on Women’ is just a slick marketing tool
to scare women into voting for Democrats.
I think we should stop with the labels and the scare tactics and take a
fresh look at our politicians in Washington, DC. Neither party is reforming government. Or taking on the corruption. But we should stop giving Democrats a pass
and start holding them accountable for the problems they’ve created.
Hillary doesn’t automatically get my vote because she’s a
girl. I want new leadership that will
reform Washington, DC and bust up the corrupt power structures that have put
our children’s future in jeopardy.
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