Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fred Upton Should Read This

Dear Mr. President, Diane Feinstein, Mary Landrieu, Kay Hagan and any other Democrat in a swing state,

Right now you are calling for a “fix” to the Obamacare Problem.  Some of you are clamoring for a congressional bill to reinstate the health insurance of 5 million Americans.   

Your ideas are a JOKE.

Forget the fact that you CAN’T reinstate health insurance plans that are illegal under the ObamaCare Law.  The plans are gone.  In addition – it is unfair and unreasonable for you to brazenly take private insurance companies and their customers on another unpredictable and unfair roller coaster ride.

The Republicans are as opposed to Obamacare as they were the fateful day it passed and they would be dishonest and disingenuous if they lifted a finger to help you out of this mess that you created for yourselves.  And if you think the Republicans are going to aid and abet you in perpetrating this crime against Americans or help President Obama FIX this monstrosity called Obamacare you are sadly mistaken.

The reason that Republicans won’t help you is that ObamaCare hurts Americans. 

It damages the economy, it kills jobs and it steals hard earned income from every taxpaying citizen.  The fact is Republicans believe that this law is the biggest mistake that ever happened in Washington DC.  And it has had devastating effect on millions of Americans.

More importantly … Republicans won’t bail you out of this one because you DON’T DESERVE IT.

You have lost all credibility with American People.

You lied hundreds of times when you said we could keep our health care plans and our doctors.
You lied when promised Americans that their healthcare costs would go DOWN by $2500 per year.
You KNEW that 5 million Americans would lose their health care when the private mandate set in.
You NOW know that as many as 50 to 100 Million MORE Americans will lose their healthcare when the employer mandates set in.
You refused to compromise or work with Republicans for Health Care Reform in 2009.
You crafted a BILL that was universally opposed by Republicans but you didn’t care.
You used procedural tricks, PORK kickbacks and deception to pass Obamacare at midnight on Christmas Eve in the House of Representatives.
Then you manipulated the rules of the Senate after Scott Brown was elected in Massachusetts to block Obamacare.
You ignored the will of the American People who have NEVER supported Obamacare as a majority.
You passed ObamaCare without reading it.
Let me say that again … You passed The Affordable Care Act without READING IT!
One more time … You voted YES on a 2,000 page MegaBill WITHOUT READING THE DAMN BILL!
You ignored President Obama when he issued multiple executive orders changing the LAW … which was illegal and unconstitutional.
You ignored President Obama when he issued multiple executive orders to exempt his cronies in the unions and in the corporations that donated to his campaigns.
You exempted yourself, your staff and Washington DC cronies from ObamaCare while shoving it down the throat of every single American Citizen.
You refused to even meet with Ted Cruz,  Mike Lee or House Republicans 5 weeks ago when they were desperately trying to fix this. 
You refused to defund, delay or even marginally change Obamacare. 
You said the words “We will not compromise” and “I will not compromise” more times than one can remember.
You demonized anyone who tried to fix or change Obamacare and painted them as radicals, haters, extremists, hostage takers and terrorists.
And amazingly … You managed to fail miserably and spectacularly at creating a simple website with 3 years lead time and 600 million taxpayer dollars.
That is $600,000,000 taxpayer dollars to create a website.  A WEBSITE!

And you want the American People to trust you to run healthcare?

The answer is no.  NO!

You don’t get a bailout.  You don’t get a second chance.  Not from the Republicans and not from the American People. You have failed in every sense of the word.  You colossal failures will have ripple effects of pain on Americans for years to come.  The damage you have left in your wake will take many years to fix.

You plan sucked.  It didn’t work. And the only way to FIX IT is to REPEAL the damn thing. 

PERIOD.  (to quote Obama)

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