I have experienced sexual harassment first hand. As a young mother and working full time as the sole breadwinner to put my husband through his doctoral program ... I landed a good job that paid well. The money was the only perk.
During my employment, I suffered humiliating sexual harassment from a top manager who answered only to the owner of the company. His nearly daily abuse included sexual comments about my physical appearance; legs, breasts and bottom. He would make loud statements like:
"Who did you have sex with to land that account?"
"You look like a dirty slut today"
"Your t*** look huge in that shirt"
His comments were made in the presence of other male managers and the owner. His abuse was tolerated and nothing was ever done to help me or stop the harassment. The rumor was that this manager had access to and knowledge of questionable businesses dealings by the owner. It was widely known and accepted that he would never be fired. This was my first introduction to corruption and how it trickles down from the top to hurt people at the bottom.
The owner was not able to help a female staffer (myself) because of his own skeletons. He and the other managers ignored the abuse. They allowed it to continue for years. They were in fact ... abusers themselves.
I'm a strong woman. I had to support my family so I tried to ignore it the best I could. Eventually I quit my job and moved on with my life. But it was an incredibly difficult and uncomfortable situation to deal with, effected my self esteem and took many years to get over. I often think about women who have come after me and are undoubtedly subjected to the same abuse.
Which is why I am writing this blog in an attempt to use my voice to help the women involved in politics in Albany and New York.
The sexual abuse, illicit conduct and outrageous behavior by the Democrats in Albany HAS GOT TO STOP. These scoundrels must be kicked out of office forever and disciplined. Those who have been complicit in covering up their indiscretions should also be kicked out of office and disciplined. Democrats who have remained silent about these scandals must be called out by state and LOCAL media to explain why this type of hostile environment is acceptable in Albany. (Hellooo? Governor Cuomo?)
Vito Lopez (D), the powerful Brooklyn Democratic Leader was accused of illicit sexual harassment, groping female staffers and commenting on their legs and breasts. He stepped down from office. However, one year earlier Speaker Sheldon Silver ... the most powerful man in Albany paid over $100,000 in NY taxpayer money to hush up earlier allegations of sexual harassment against Lopez. Then, Speaker Silver HIMSELF was accused of inappropriate sexual behavior.
Now, Assemblyman Micah Kellner (D) has been accused of inappropriate sexual communications with a young female staffer four years ago. Once again ... Speaker Silver's office KNEW of these allegations and BLOCKED the investigation.
Elliot Spitzer (D) and Anthony Wiener (D) also ride on New York's creepy ass, disgusting old man train with their unbelievable hubris in running for office despite felony charges, adultery and just basic nastiness. The only thing more unbelievable is New Yorker's acceptance of these smarmy losers.
When will the women of New York WAKE UP? These are our sisters, daughters and friends. Why are we silent and not DEMANDING repercussions?
Why can't NY Democrats understand that party loyalty cannot trump ethical response to abuse? And why can't NY voters realize that these type of men are not fit to hold elected office?
Men who abuse women will abuse power. Men who aid and abet abusers will abuse power. Men who are silent on abusers tacitly condone the abuse. Women who condone abusers deny other women the right to a safe and secure workplace.
Ultimately ... they (New York Democrats) are complicit in the abuse of innocent women. They are all abusers.
Their silence is their answer. And if you are looking for a War on Women ... look no further than the Democrats currently controlling our state.